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This website contains all the documentation produced for the SmartWasteCollection project, which is brought on with a Domain Driven approach.

The Project


The aim of the project is to optimize the management of waste collection using smart technologies.

At the moment, waste is collected by garbage trucks regularly from collection points distributed across the cities' streets. At each collection point there are several dumpsters for each waste type. People can go to collection points, open a dumpster manually and dispose of the waste. A single garbage truck collects a specific type of waste from various collection points.

There are also extraordinary waste types that are not collected at collection points. Instead, they must be brought directly to disposal points by citizens.

With this project the waste collection process will be optimized providing dumpsters with sensors in order to identify when they must be emptied. In this way, waste will be collected from collection points only when necessary.

Even trucks are provided with sensors. These sensors allow to share information about entities' state.


  • Martina Baiardi,
  • Alessandro Marcantoni,
  • Simone Romagnoli,
  • Marta Spadoni,

Last update: July 12, 2022 13:25:46
Created: July 12, 2022 13:25:46