Mission Domain Model
Model Diagram
The following diagram shows the mission's aggregate. It is the only aggregate identified in the mission context.
Domain Events
The Mission Aggregate deals with the following events:
- Mission Step Event: received when a truck leaves a collection point.
- Mission Request Event: received when a dumpster's occupied volume exceeds its threshold.
- Ordinary Mission Event: generated daily by the Mission Manager Service or upon Mission Request Event by dumpster.
- Extraordinary Mission Event: generated daily by the Mission Manager Service.
Domain Invariants
- Empty dumpsters cannot be assigned to missions.
- Dumpsters can be assigned to a mission iff it is not already in another mission (which is not completed).
- Unavailable trucks cannot be assigned to missions.
- Mission steps cannot be modified once the mission is created.
Last update:
July 12, 2022 13:25:46
Created: July 12, 2022 13:25:46
Created: July 12, 2022 13:25:46