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User Stories

The following user stories describe the requirements of the required system.

As a Manager...

... I want to observe the real-time position of garbage trucks and the type of waste they are carrying so that I can monitor active missions.

... I want to observe the list of complaints received from citizens and dumpsters so that I can fix possible issues.

... I want to observe the list of active missions so that I can check the real time status of waste collection.

... I want to manage collection points, adding, removing and moving dumpsters or their location so that I can handle changes in cities.

... I want to observe collection points and dumpsters' status so that I can check whether the system is working or not.

... I want to observe disposal points' position so that I can have a visual representation of their location.

... I want to observe the list of "at home" collection requests so that I can verify the usefulness of the service.

... I want to create a new smart card for specific citizens so that they can open dumpsters with it.

As a Citizen...

... I want to open dumpsters with my smart card so that I can dispose waste effortlessly and without touching the dumpster.

... I want to book an "at home" waste collection so that I don't have to go to the disposal point.

... I want to observe all collection points so that I can see the types of waste that I can dispose of, the percentage of occupied volume for every dumpster and whether they are available or not.

... I want to report issues so that I can help improve the service.

As a Truck Driver...

... I want to automatically receive missions so that I can know which disposal points and which type of waste to collect.

... I want to automatically receive "at home" missions so that I can know which extraordinary waste collection requests I have to satisfy.

... I want to report issues so that I can notify managers about possible problems.

Benefit Mapping

The following benefit map has derived from the above user stories. It maps impacts and purposes to the actor who will benefit the most from them.

Benefit Mapping

Last update: July 12, 2022 13:25:46
Created: July 12, 2022 13:25:46