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Ubiquitous Language

The tables below represent the ubiquitous language derived from domain analysis. Each table describes terms related to the same topic.


Term Description Associations
Waste Unwanted matter of material of any type, that citizens want to get rid of. Type of Waste, Citizen
Type of Waste Classification of the material of the waste. Waste
Ordinary Waste Set of types of waste that are daily produced by citizens. Waste, Type of Waste, Citizen
Extraordinary Waste Set of types of waste that are difficult to collect. This may be due to their dimension or composition. Waste, Type of Waste, Collect
Unsorted Waste Ordinary waste that is not recyclable. Waste, Ordinary Waste
Plastic/Aluminium Ordinary waste composed by plastic or aluminium. Waste, Ordinary Waste
Paper Ordinary waste composed by paper. Waste, Ordinary Waste
Organic Ordinary waste that is compostable over time. Waste, Ordinary Waste
Glass Ordinary waste composed by glass. Waste, Ordinary Waste
Twigs Extraordinary waste composed by pruning of trees or other bushes. Waste, Extraordinary Waste
Waste Oil Extraordinary waste composed by exhausted oil. Waste, Extraordinary Waste
Iron Extraordinary waste composed by iron. Waste, Extraordinary Waste
Electronics Extraordinary waste composed by electronic components. Waste, Extraordinary Waste
Clothes Extraordinary waste composed by old clothes. Waste, Extraordinary Waste
Other Extraordinary Waste Every other type that was not described previously. Waste, Extraordinary Waste


Term Description Associations
Dumpster A container for waste. Waste
Type of Dumpster Configuration of dumpster features. Dumpster, Dumpster Feature
Features Set of characteristics that describe a dumpster. Dumpster
Size Feature that represents dumpster's physical measure. It could be large or small. Dumpster, Dumpster Feature
Large Size Type of dumpster that can be opened using a foot lever. It can store up to 1000 liters. Dumpster, Dumpster Feature, Type of Dumpster
Small Size Type of dumpster that can be opened by hand. It can store up to 250 liters. Dumpster, Dumpster Feature, Type of Dumpster
Color Feature of dumpsters that shows the type of waste they collect. Dumpster, Dumpster Feature
Opening It defines the way dumpsters are opened. This can be done either using a foot lever or by hands. Dumpster, Dumpster Feature
Capacity The maximum amount of waste (in liters) that a single dumpster can store. Dumpster, Dumpster Feature
Availability Feature that states that the dumpster is working and its occupied volume percentage is under 95% of its capacity. Dumpster, Dumpster Feature
Occupied Volume The amount of waste (in liters) that a single dumpster is currently storing. Dumpster, Dumpster Feature


Term Description Associations
Garbage Truck A truck specially designed to collect waste and transport it to the disposal point. Collect, Waste, Disposal Point
Truck Driver A company's employee that drives garbage trucks. Garbage Trucks
Capacity The total amount of waste (in liters) that a garbage truck can store. Waste, Garbage Truck
Occupied Volume The amount of waste (in liters) that a garbage truck is currently storing. Waste, Garbage Truck
Position The current position of a garbage truck. Garbage Truck
Availability Feature that states whether the truck is busy in a mission. Garbage Truck, Mission


Term Description Associations
Waste Collection The action of picking up waste. Waste
"At Home" Collection The service that the company is willing to offer to collect extraordinary waste at citizens' houses. Extraordinary Waste, Citizen
Collection Point The group of dumpsters in a residential area. Dumpster, Residential Area
Province A geopolitical area a country is divided into. Each province has its own disposal point. Disposal Point
Residential Area A partition of a province. Each residential area has its own collection point. Province, Collection Point
Mission The trip that a garbage truck performs stopping at multiple collection points and collecting a single ordinary type of waste. Each mission consists of several mission steps. Garbage Truck, Ordinary Waste, Collection Point, Mission Step
Mission Generation The creation of a mission optimized for the best route that collects a set of dumpsters. Dumpster
Mission Step A phase of a mission corresponding to the collection of a dumpster. Mission, Dumpster
"At Home" Mission The trip that a garbage truck performs stopping at multiple citizens' houses and collecting a single extraordinary type of waste. Garbage Truck, Extraordinary Waste, Collection Point
Mission Area The set of residential areas covered by a garbage truck's mission. Residential Area, Garbage Truck, Mission
Disposal Point A set of buildings with many disposal chains used for waste disposal. Garbage trucks start and finish their missions here. Disposal Chain, Waste, Garbage Truck, Mission
Disposal Chain A sequence of machinery that treat a specific type of waste. Type of Waste


Term Description Associations
User A person who uses the system. It can be a citizen or a manager Citizen, Manager
Citizen An inhabitant of a residential area. Residential Area
Manager A system administrator.
Smart Card A plastic card with a built-in microprocessor. It will be used to open dumpsters. Dumpster
Complaint A message that notifies an issue. It may be sent by citizens, truck drivers and dumpsters themselves. Citizen, Truck Driver, Dumpster
"At Home" Collection Request The request sent by a citizen to book an "At Home" collection. Extraordinary Waste, Citizen
Booking An "At Home" collection request scheduled appointment. Citizen, "At Home" Collection Request, "At Home" Collection
Account The digital identity associated to a user User
Authenticate The action of verifying a user's identity. It occurs when a citizen uses his smart card to open a dumpster or when a user accesses to the dashboard. User, Smart Card, Dumpster, Dashboard
Dashboard A graphic interface used by a user. User

Last update: July 12, 2022 13:25:46
Created: July 12, 2022 13:25:46